Saturday, December 7, 2013

What exactly is Polenta?

What exactly is polenta? Is it cornmeal? Is it grits? Alas! I have the answer.  Or rather Brette Warshaw of has the answer and explained it most swimmingly.  In short, the answer:  it's all ground up corn ;)  Read the post "Cornmeal vs. Grits vs. Polenta vs. Masa"  Knowing this pertinent information would have saved me a lot of time and frustration walking up and down isles trying to find cornmeal labeled "polenta"

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Choo Choo Train Table Center

You can say it, I'm a genius.  The reeds are from two separate assorted packs at Ikea.   The trains are from Aldi.  That's right Aldi!  Aldi on CLEARANCE!  

Baby's Reindeer Feet

Can I say success,  or can I say success? !!!
Mine look better than the pinterest original
 My babies LOVED making them
Their little thumbs made the red noses.  And the washes in the background adds some artistry